Wound Services

Doctor wrapping injured hand

Why Choose Premier for Wound Care?

Premier is dedicated to providing the highest quality care for our aging elderly in long term care and aims to bridge the gaps in care coverage.

The best care is given using an interdisciplinary approach and when you partner with Premier, our clinicians seek to work together to collaborate and reach the same goal, better outcomes.

Let us help you provide high quality wound care

  • in-house wound management

    In-House Wound Managment

    When you partner with Premier, you also have the option of using our wound team to care for your residents. This service launched in the fall of 2023 and is rapidly growing and taking shape. Our wound clinicians are certified and work under the supervision of a Board-Certified Wound Specialist who is experienced in managing the wound needs of residents of long term care facilities.

  • wound consulting

    Wound Consulting

    Geography is sometimes a limiting factor in quality access to care. Premier’s wound team is available to our partner facilities even when in-person visits aren’t an option. We offer wound consulting for difficult or complex wounds that need specialist oversight. Let us help you reduce outpatient visits and treatment-delaying waits for appointments by consulting our wound team at your leisure.

  • quality care

    Quality Care

    Because high-quality care is the only care that should be provided, our team is prepared to meet the needs of your residents and facility members by providing education to your staff regarding wound care, wound specialist oversight, and in-person scheduled rounds where available.

Comprehensive Wound Services

  • Detailed evaluation and management of all wound types, including skin conditions and complex needs (fistula, ostomy, DTI, MASD, injury-associated wounds)

  • Scheduled and consistent rounding for timely diagnosis and treatment

  • Certified wound providers with specialized training on site

  • Direct access and availability around the clock for follow-up, consulting, treatment changes, and new cases

  • Timely documentation that is clear and comprehensive provided (and directly integrated with many community EHRs)

  • Facility staff education and support for wound management and assistance with community wound treatment supply needs

  • Management in-house for any necessary procedures related to wound care

Nurse and elderly male patient smiling

Our Outcomes

  • Improved patient Satisfaction

  • Improvement in Quality Measures

  • Surveys without wound care deficiencies

  • Reduction of in-house pressure injuries

  • Improving wound healing time

  • Reduction in costly and taxing appointments requiring transportation

  • In-house team receives up-to-date wound care education